Integrated Campaign Extension
Year 3 | Canary Home Monitoring
Integrated Media Extension
For this project I took an existing TV Spot for Canary home monitoring systems and created print and web banner executions to make an integrated media campaign. The challenge was to retain the reason to buy, tagline, tone and target audience of the original TV Spot. Below are mock-ups of a print series that would be photographed and an animated web banner with photo-real elements. Animation style samples can be seen in the gallery below.
PrinT |
See the Unseeable.

Web banner
This animated web banner shows a man creating clones with a cloning machine. As they appear out of the machine they travel along the green conveyor belt and parachute down into the second banner on the page. There they join the other clones watching over the house. After the animation cycles for about 15 seconds, the banners change to reveal Canary's logo, tagline and website.